
About Korfball Australia

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So far Korfball Australia has created 220 blog entries.

National Coaches Re-Appointed

By |2023-02-06T18:01:16+10:30February 6th, 2023|National Team|

Korfball Australia is pleased to announce the re-appointment of the National Team Coaches following a successful AOKC last year. This sees Isabel Teixeira return as Head Coach, with Warren Frederickson returning as Senior Assistant Coach. We're delighted that both have accepted the offers presented to them, and are looking forward to working with them [...]

National Beach Korfball Championships Announced

By |2023-03-09T21:31:48+10:30January 20th, 2023|Beach|

It gives Korfball Australia great pleasure to announce the launch of the inaugural Beach Korfball National Championships, to be held on Saturday, March 11 on the picturesque Glenelg Foreshore. All matches will be held on a single day, with plenty of food and drink options available within a short walk at Glenelg, in keeping with [...]

AOKC 2022 Players Diary – Day 8

By |2022-12-04T12:12:49+10:30December 4th, 2022|Players Diary|

Hello! This is day 8 of the player diary. Many players said that this was the first morning that their alarms had actually woken them up. Maybe we are finally getting used to the Timezone! We headed down to the buffet for some breakky before heading out for a light, shoot-around training session. We [...]

AOKC 2022 Players Diary – Day 7

By |2022-12-03T09:24:55+10:30December 3rd, 2022|Players Diary|

Yo yo yo peeps welcome to the day 7 diary, jeez can't believe we've been here for a week already. The day started off with a much deserved sleep in and all the euphoria from having a nice bevrigino and some western food for Bmans b'day worn off. It was a usual start to [...]

AOKC 2022 Players Diary – Day 6

By |2022-12-02T14:56:21+10:30December 2nd, 2022|Players Diary|

Hello!! Welcome to day 6. We were all very excited this morning as it was our lovely Bman’s birthday! 30, flirty and thriving. ALSO excited for the big game against Japan. We started the morning with a slightly later breakfast at 9 where we had our usual selection and some cheeky coco puffs. After [...]

AOKC 2022 Players Diary – Day 5

By |2022-12-01T09:16:23+10:30December 1st, 2022|Players Diary|

Heya and welcome to day 5 with the Australian team! Today started like most others with the team gathering for the morning buffet at the hotel. We are getting used to what is being offered to us and have come prepared to most meals. I saw a few team mates smuggle a box of [...]

AOKC 2022 Players Diary – Day 4

By |2022-11-30T12:03:16+10:30November 30th, 2022|Players Diary|

Hallo allemaal...groetjes uit Pattaya! 👋 (Just because I promised to write one thing in Dutch) Today started early for me with an unplanned 3:50am wake up thanks to jet lag. Who needs sleep during a tournament anyway? Lucky for me my lovely roomie Amy was also wide awake which meant we had plenty of [...]

AOKC 2022 Players Diary – Day 3

By |2022-11-29T02:23:52+10:30November 29th, 2022|Players Diary|

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey it’s time for day 3 of the player diaries and day 1 of competition! I can’t speak for all in the team but from those I spoke to there’s definitely a little bit of jet lag amongst the group with a good amount of us rising well before our alarms went off! We [...]

AOKC 2022 Players Diary – Day 2

By |2022-11-29T02:00:00+10:30November 29th, 2022|Players Diary|

First day at the hotel… it was great to get started with breakfast as a team. And of course the most important part, we all approved of the buffet spread After food and some coffee (already missing Joshy P’s amazing blend) we are all keen to get on that bus to check out the [...]

AOKC 2022 Players Diary – Day 1

By |2022-11-28T13:50:11+10:30November 28th, 2022|Players Diary|

Hey everyone I have the pleasure of sharing some of our experiences from our journey so far! Our route has consisted of flying out from Adelaide to Melbourne where we grouped up with our Capitão Josh, Assistant Coach Wazz and Megan who will be refereeing at the Championships. After a four hour wait and [...]

2022 AOKC Team Selected

By |2022-09-10T11:33:02+09:30September 10th, 2022|National Team|

Korfball Australia is pleased to announce the team for the upcoming 2022 Asia-Oceania Korfball Championships has been selected. The tournament, to be played in Pattaya, Thailand, kicks off on the 28th of November, and runs until the the 4th of December. As has been previously announced, Isabel Teixeira will lead the team as Head [...]

2022 AOKC National Squad Updates

By |2022-08-12T19:37:31+09:30August 12th, 2022|National Team|

As the 2022 Asia Oceania Korfball Championships draws ever closer, squad activities are continuing in earnest, and the ramp-up to the tournament is getting underway! In light of this, there are a host of important updates to share. Read on for all the latest updates. Assistant Coach It gives Korfball Australia great pleasure to [...]

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