Not many of us made it to breakfast before our team meeting at 8:30 this morning to prepare for our final match against India. Sharing an elevator – before catching the bus – with the President of India korfball, some of us learnt that he is intimidated by our very own Tim Miller and his world class refereeing status.
Bus rides are always very awkward when you’re sitting next to the team you’re about to play. We arrived at the stadium at 9:15 to warm up and put up lots of shots before our 10:45 game. The game started off slowly but we were able to keep pace with India until about half time where they were able to sink an extra goal here and there despite our commendable defensive efforts.
After the game, our little supporters from Malaysia gave some of us a ring that they had made to remember them by. We then quickly Grab’d back to the hotel to do some washing and get ready before making our way back to the stadium to watch the gold medal matches and for the closing ceremony. Both games were blowouts but worthwhile watches.
After the gold medal match finished, we all headed down to the court and into formation for the closing ceremony and medal presentation. Much to our surprise, 4th through 9th all received a medal. After some congratulating of the podium countries and individual award winners, we took some final photos before heading back to the hotel for the farewell party.
Here, every country got up to perform a cultural performance – we decided it was time to bring out the nut bush. It wasn’t long until we had the other countries up on stage with us giving it their best shot. It’s safe to say it was a big success.
After the performances were over and dinner was finished, it was time to make any final playing top swaps and say our goodbyes to the other players before heading up to bed.
Our captains wrapped the tour with a modest account of the ‘after party’.
Australia represented brilliantly🥰
I am most impressed with the haul of playing tops that came home …
esp. Japan’s vibrant one 🩷