Following on from the Planning Meeting held in June this year Korfball Australia have formed four sub committees to help us achieve our goals moving forward. Each sub committee is headed up by a KA board member and will report back to the entire board.


The downloadable flowchart shows the different sub committees, what they will be responsible for and who they will be lead by.


Korfball Australia is asking for anyone who has any interest or experience in any of the subcommittees to please donate their time and knowledge to helping us. Even if you have no experience but are willing to help we need you! Simply fill in your details on the form below to apply and you will hear from us shortly.


Application Form


    Nomination Form

    Full Name (required)

    Email Address (required)

    Position(s) Applying For (required)


    Relevant Skills/Qualifications/Experience (Please use a new line for each item)^

    ^Please note this information may be shared with voters in order for them to assess candidates