As Korfball in Australia is approaching its 40th year, we are looking to update our records, and archive documents related to the history of Korfball in Australia. In order to do this, and make sure the information we have is as complete and as accurate as possible, we need your help. Some of the information we have can be found on the current History and Honour Roll pages, incomplete as these are.
While we have some more information, and we are in the process of getting that added to the website, we would like your help to complete our records. In particular, we are after squad lists and team pictures from any and all international tournaments, as well as information on office holders within Korfball Australia. However, any information you may have on anything related to the history of Korfball in Australia would be appreciated, be it National Championship results or old action shots.
Any information can be sent through the Contact page, where we have added a file upload function, so you can now send through images as well. If you only have original hard-copies of documents or images, and don’t have digital copies, get in touch, and we will organise to get those items digitised. Any help you can give would be much appreciated.
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