As many of our regular readers will know, Roy Kirkby, in association with the IKF, recently conducted an international survey on Gender Equality in Korfball, focusing on the role of Korfball in changing perceptions of Gender Equality in the wider community. With over 240 responses, from 25 countries, the survey managed to capture responses from a wide range of backgrounds. Thank you to all of those who responded, your contributions helped make the research as all encompassing as possible.


The majority of the responses were overwhelmingly positive, with those who filled out the questionnaire generally suggesting they felt they had become more accepting of the other gender as a result of their participation in korfball. Respondents also felt they had begun to be more cooperative with the opposite gender, and had started to gain a better understanding of their point of view through taking part in Korfball activities. The full results of the survey can be found here.


This survey has also sparked global interest, with the results being commented on by the IKF and Inside the Games, as well as other media outlets. This is a huge step forward in the global promotion of our sport as truly equal, which is something we pride ourselves on.


This survey is just the first step in an ongoing international project, so keep your eyes peeled for more opportunities to assist in any other research. Congratulations Roy, and we look forward to the rest of the research.